Vaginoplasty involves creating a vagina (inner female genitals) and vulva (outer female genitals). The bulk of the corpus cavernosum (erectile tissue of the penis) is removed. To make the vagina, an incision is made in the perineum (the space between our external genitals and anus), and a space is created between the rectum and prostate for the new vaginal canal. The vaginal canal is made from the skin of the shaft of the penis and scrotum. The urethra (where we pee from) is made shorter and placed around the vaginal opening. The outside portion of the new genitals, called the vulva, (which includes the labia majora and labia minora) is made using scrotal or other skin. The clitoris is created by making the glans (head of the former penis) smaller, while keeping it attached to the nerves that provide pleasurable sensation. Vaginoplasty always involves an orchiectomy (removal of the testes), if one has not already been performed, thus ending our ability to create genetic children unless we have done sperm-banking ahead of time. Vaginoplasty does not create a womb or ovaries, thus we still cannot carry a child. Currently there is no surgical procedure or scientific technology that would allow a trans woman to carry a child within her own body.
Average sensation: 4
Average satisfaction: 4